Resting While Moving Forward
Everyone who has done a La Vida expedition should be familiar with this Bible passage; it's written on the plaque they received at the very end of their hiking/canoeing/kayaking trip. And it is this passage that my co-leader and I based this past May trip's theme: "Soar- Resting While Moving Forward."
At the time, I was extremely busy. I had just completed what was likely my most difficult semester in college, finished a year-long program involving intentional community living (#EPIX), was faced with the reality of saying goodbye to many of my graduating senior friends, and had to jump from all of that straight into leading a two week backpacking trip. I chose this for myself...and honestly I loved it. Which is kind of scary. I know it has been a temptation for my friends and I to find value in a busy schedule, and even brag about it, or compete with others to be the most busy. But I was sacrificing much needed opportunities for rest.
While it was difficult to find moments of rest the past nine months, now that I am into my summer schedule I've found the pendulum has swung the opposite way. With so much free time on my hands, I have sunk into a state of resting that is, I'm ashamed to admit, mostly an indulgence of laziness. I'm not using the time I have to my full advantage; I'm not moving forward with my resting. I could do so many things with my free time: write creatively, spend time in God's word, play my violin, read books, etc, etc. But when I'm not at my internship or hanging out with friends I find myself mostly lounging in the sun, eating, and watching movies or shows on Netflix. Even just forcing myself to read the Bible for 15 minutes is suddenly a big accomplishment.
If God wasn't my priority in the busy times, then how could I expect that would automatically change now that I have entered a period of rest? Yet I need Him; He is the one who gives purpose to my life, and He is the one encouraging me to rest when life is hectic, and pushes me to form and pursue goals when life is quiet. If I were perfect, maybe I could try harder or be a better person and thus find this ideal balance through my own strength. But the passage in Isaiah states that it is those who put their hope in the Lord who will find their strength renewed. This is a strength that through rest continues on when life gets tough, and moves forward when resting turns to laziness and gluttony.
So I press on into Jesus, searching for the mysterious truth that is soaring- resting while moving forward.
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